beginning, knitting, life

Happy 2013!

Welcome to the new year, everyone!

We had a pretty terrific 2012, and I’m looking forward to an even better 2013.

We spent the last several days of 2012 doing some much needed organizing and decluttering of our stuff (including my yarn – pictures of that to come!), and I feel it’s led us into a positive start for 2013 with space now for new beginnings.

So now, it’s time for a review of 2012’s goals and how I stacked up with them.

  1. At best guess, I completed somewhere around 21 projects last year. I’d like to complete more that that this year. DONE – made it to 32!
  2. Complete my first pair of toe-up socks. DONE! In January, no less!
  3. Complete a lace or lace-like project. May be doing a lace KAL with Smashing the Serene. Need the motivation!
  4. Knit only from my stash for the first two months of the year. Don’t really remember how I did on this, but I think I did OK. 
  5. Learn to use my sewing machine. DONE! 
  6. Complete one sewing project on my own. I did make an apron with my mom, but nothing on my own. Something to strive for this year!

Here’s my list of 2012 completed projects – very happy with them all!

#32: Slipper socks
#31: Baby mittens
#30: Baby socks
#29: Baby hat
#28: Charity Blanket #2
#27: Sailor hat
#26: October Leaves fingerless mitts
#25: TARDIS socks
#24: Hitchhiker
#23: Summer flower socks
#22: Baby bib
#21: Charity Blanket #1
#20: Talbot Hill Shawl
#18-19: Elves
#14-17: Afghan squares
#13: Sailor hat
#12: Baby blanket
#8-11: Afghan squares
#7: Sockhead Hat
#6: Baby bib
#5: Clapotis
#4: Slipper socks
#3: Knotty gloves
#2: Sailor hat
#1: Slipper socks

2012 was also special since it marked my blogoversary! December 27th marked my first year of blogging.

Now on to 2013 goals.

  1. Knit only from my stash for the first three months of the year (with the exception of if I need to buy something for my lace KAL).
  2. Complete a sewing project on my own.
  3. Finally sew the snaps onto my apron (my first sewing project) so I can use it.
  4. Finish at least one of the pairs of socks languishing in my WIP pile.
  5. Continue blogging regularly (at least once a week). I’ve been bad at letting my FOs linger before posting and haven’t been as consistent as I’d like to be.

I’m trying to keep the goals short and sweet, as my life is going to kick into super-busy overdrive/change around mid-year. 😉

I wish you all the best in 2013. Let’s be great together!

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