knitting, Ten on Tuesday, winter

Ten on Tuesday: 10 ways to make winter less bleak

  1. Knit! Easy one first, right?
  2. Sit snuggled up on the couch by my fireplace. I do loooove my gas fireplace that I can turn on with a switch. Right next to it is my favorite place to do #1 (knit)!
  3. Drink a lot of hot beverages. Preferably while knitting by the fireplace. My favorite is coffee, followed by tea and hot chocolate.
  4. Wear my favorite handknits. Some of the things in very heavy rotation this year are my Snowfling Mittens and a Hermione hat my mom made me years ago and which is still my super favorite hat ever.
  5. Celebrate happy stuff. We have a few family birthdays that hit during winter, and being able to meet up every couple of weeks for cake and family time certainly brightens the days.
  6. Re-watch Harry Potter movies. ABC Family is almost always having an HP marathon, and I have all of them on DVD, so… pretty much the best thing ever to watch while knitting by the fireplace with a hot drink (are you noticing a trend yet?)
  7. Wear flannel pajamas. So they’re not very fashionable, but I have two pairs I love very much and they are pretty fabulous and make me happy.
  8. Wear these new flashy slippers. I’m thrilled with my new bling bling slippers. They are soft and warm on the inside and fun on the outside! I just got these for Christmas and I’m wearing them nearly every day.
  9. Go to knit night. Catching up with my friends every week nearly makes me forget it’s freezing and pitch black outside.
  10. Play with BK! I saved the best one for last. She’s my little ray of sunshine all year long.

3 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: 10 ways to make winter less bleak”

  1. Those slippers must be popular this Christmas because you are the third person I have seen with them. Bling bling! What a wonderful list. And of course, knitting is #1!

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