craft projects, cross stitch, quilting, Three on Thursday

Three things: Back in the saddle

Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since I participated in Three on Thursday, but I’m glad to be back joining in with everyone.

Here are three things going on now: 

  1. 1. Until this month, I was blogging as knitsnips. I’ve moved my archives over to this site, and will from now on be blogging from here, I’m excited about this new blog and sharing an even broader range of my crafty pursuits! 

  2. 2. I am signed up for a beginner quilting class that begins next week. I have already completed 4 quilts and pieced half of another. But I’m finally going to learn to do it the “right” way. Though I’m sure I will also discover a few things I’d like to keep doing “wrong.”  🙂 The above picture shows the fabrics I have chosen for my class project. I can’t wait to cut into these beauties!

  3. 3.I am in the midst of my first cross stitch project, which you can also see on my Instagram. I picked “More Cowbell” because this sketch was very important to me and my junior high best friend during our very intense SNL phase. Just seeing it makes me very happy and I can’t wait to frame and display this in my craft room! If you haven’t seen this skit before, or even if you have, watch it to make your day. 

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